Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Where Is McCain"s Warning Letter On Subprime Crisis?

What Letter was McCain Referring To?

Both John McCain and Barack Obama took turns during the second presidential debate on Tuesday night claiming credit for having warned of an imminent economic crisis.
Obama has referred frequently to his 2007 letter to Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson. But Sen. McCain countered by saying that he had written a letter "warning of exactly this crisis." As far as we can tell, this was the first reference McCain has made of such a letter, and we couldn"t find it. Despite multiple requests, the McCain campaign did not provide comment or the letter.
Obama likes to bring up the letter he wrote to Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke. Dated March 22, 2007, about six weeks after he"d declared his candidacy for the presidency, the letter stressed the need for immediate intervention to curb the "rising rates of home foreclosure in the subprime mortgage market":

"He keeps saying, "Who is Barack Obama?" I would ask the question, "Who is John McCain?"
Former Republican Governor of Michigan William Milliken tells the Grand Rapids Press that he"s "disappointed" in John McCain and the campaign he is running:
He endorsed John McCain in the presidential primary, but now former Republican Gov. William Milliken is expressing doubts about his party"s nominee.
"He is not the McCain I endorsed," said Milliken, reached at his Traverse City home Thursday. "He keeps saying, "Who is Barack Obama?" I would ask the question, "Who is John McCain?" because his campaign has become rather disappointing to me.
"I"m disappointed in the tenor and the personal attacks on the part of the McCain campaign, when he ought to be talking about the issues."
Read the whole thing

John McCain"s rally on Friday once again inspired furious reactions from his supporters, with one woman screaming "traitor!" as McCain criticized Barack Obama"s tax record.
"He promised higher taxes on electricity," McCain charged at the event in La Crosse, Wisconsin. "He voted for the Democratic budget resolution that promised to raise taxes on people making just $42,000 a year." At that point, the woman yelled "traitor," and both McCain and his wife Cindy appeared to look in her direction.
The Arizona Senator continued with his stump speech without referencing her. LinkHere

Four years ago, John Kerry flirted with the idea of making John McCain his running mate. Today, he is denouncing the Arizona Senator for "a stunning failure of leadership," and running a nasty, hate-filled campaign.
In a letter to supporters, the Massachusetts Democrat -- no stranger to smears himself -- ramps up his criticisms of McCain to new heights. In addition to airing disgust with the tone of the McCain crowds, he rips Gov. Sarah Palin for making "outrageous charges that only a few years ago would have disqualified someone from serious consideration for national office."
The letter reads:
The Jed Report reminds us that Barack Obama predicted the campaign"s nasty turn months ago:
Obama Knew It Was Coming All Along

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