Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Does he have Tiller"s blood on his hands?

Bill O�Reilly�s �Culture War� Attack Machine Failed! Dr. George Tiller Acquitted - Despite Bill�s �Incontrovertible Evidence�!
Bill is now claiming, in a classic case of �projection,� that the campaign by Think Progress, to encourage his advertisers to rethink their sponsorship, is �devoted to hurting any prominent person who disagrees with liberal politics. They don�t want criticism and if you do it, they�ll get you.� Hmmm, this sounds familiar�wait a minute� isn�t that what Bill did to Vermont Judge Cashman, the Boulder High School, Washington Governor Christine Gregoire and most notably, Kansas abortion provider Dr. George Tiller. But despite O�Reilly"s �pro-life� crusade against him and in a serious setback to the "culture war," Dr. Tiller was acquitted of charges that he performed 19 illegal abortions in 2003. LinkHere
Comment: Tiller was acquitted � but how can that be? Does this mean the forces of �evil� are getting the upper hand? Despite all the bloviating, stalking, and baseless accusation of murder directed at �Tiller the baby killer,� by Bill O�Reilly and well financed, well coordinated anti abortion groups, Tiller was acquitted � despite the cacophony of the culture warrior in chief!

�We don�t have to invade other countries to find the terrorists,� Hern concluded. �They�re here killing doctors who do abortions. The main difference between the American anti-abortion movement and the Taliban is about 8000 miles.� LinkHere

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