Saturday, December 5, 2009

McCain Camp: Obama"s On Defense

Strategists for John McCain insisted late Thursday afternoon that it was Barack Obama, not the Arizona Republican, who was on the defensive when it came to the electoral map.
On a conference call for the press hours after it was announced that McCain would be pulling resources and staff from Michigan, Mike DuHaime, the campaign"s political director, and Greg Strimple, its senior adviser, outlined a strategy akin to political rope-a-dope, in which their campaign had goaded Barack Obama into pouring in money into un-winnable locales.
"One of the strategic decisions our campaign has made is to let Mr. Obama spend his resources there until the point where we got closer to the election... I believe that in every one of those [swing states] they will snap back aggressively in our favor. These are states with a conservative voting constituencies where you have the most liberal member of the United States Senate running at the head of the ticket. And in my years of polling I have never seen someone with a more aggressive liberal imagery among the electorate."
Under the current map, they argued, there was a clear path for them to reach the necessary 270 Electoral College votes.

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