Thursday, December 3, 2009

Voting For Change

The New York Time is reporting Obama Extends Streak With Ninth Victory Over Clinton.
Senator Barack Obama won the Wisconsin primary on Tuesday by a comfortable margin, extending his victory streak to nine contests and forcing Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton into a must-win scenario on March 4 as the nominating fight heads to the crucial states of Ohio and Texas.

�The change we seek is still months and miles away and we need the good people of Texas to help us get there,� Mr. Obama said in a speech in Houston. �We�re here because we believe that change is possible and that we have never needed it more than we do right now!�

In Wisconsin, officials said they expected the turnout to exceed 35 percent, making it the state�s highest participation rate in a primary since 1988. Kyle Richmond, a spokesman for the state agency that oversees elections, said more than 2,000 voters were lined up in South Madison as polls opened early Tuesday morning.

�We had people in wheelchairs, we had people of all ages, people bringing their kids into the polls at 7 o�clock in the morning, and it was zero degrees outside,� Mr. Richmond said in a telephone interview. �The weather didn�t affect anything at all.�

Almost 30 percent of voters in the Democratic contest identified themselves as independents, and three-quarters said they did not consider race or gender in deciding which candidate to support.
The election is now Obama"s to lose or Hillary"s to steal (via super delegates).

Unless Obama makes a major gaff he is heading into the convention with a lead of at least 100 delegates. If he wins either Texas or Ohio (and I suspect he will win at least one of them) it will all be over but the shouting or the theft.

People want change, closure, and healing. Neither McCain or Hillary can provide that.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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