Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thank God for some Sanity!!!!!!!

Bachmann: "Prayer And Fasting" Will Defeat Health Care Reform
George J.
gotta love a country like America where they without shame elect the crazy people to serve them in Congress
Maybe if she fasts long enough she will not be in a position to continue speaking!
I�ve been praying for a house to drop on her for years. So much for prayer.
Kangaroo Down Under
Couldn"t have said it better myself, only George J, I would suggest crazy lying people to serve in congress, that"s the shame of it
Wednesday Rep. Michele Bachmann was part of a star-studded �teletownhall� meeting to discuss health-care reform. The event, billed �Keeping Faith with the Unborn,� was sponsored by the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion advocacy group. The organization�s president, Marjorie Dannenfelser, claimed that there were some 350,000 listeners on the line.
Bachmann was joined by North Carolina Rep. Virginia Foxx, most famous for calling Matthew Shepard�s murder a �hoax,� and former Colorado Rep. Marilyn Musgrave, who made national headlines by refusing to concede after losing her re-election contest November. But even with such veteran political pugilists sharing the phone line, Bachmann managed to distinguish herself during the 90-minute phone call.
The 6th district Republican quoted the late British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, attacked Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius for receiving political contributions from a medical doctor who was murdered in May, and called on everyone to get down on their knees and pray that health care reform fails. Bachmann didn�t always make sense, but she undoubtedly scared the living daylights out of anyone on the line.
Bachmann repeated the myth, adopted early by Sarah Palin, that the health-care plans being debated in Congress would set up �death panels� to determine which old folks are entitled to health care. �Thank God that Sarah Palin said that,� she told the callers. �These are true.�
In response to a caller from Minnesota who wanted to know if there was a plan afoot in Washington to require all medical doctors to perform abortions, Bachmann didn�t exactly shoot the suggestion down.
�Unless we explicitly restrict these items, I think we can fully expect that these radical pro-abortion individuals could very likely make those decisions,� she told the caller. �All of us who have labored tirelessly in the pro-life cause for years and years and years, we know what these people are capable of. That�s why they have to be tied down by restrictions explicitly in law.�
She also suggested that it might be some kind of religious destiny that hardy souls such as herself are in Congress at this time. LinkHere

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