Friday, November 27, 2009

Government of the Banks, By the Banks and For the Banks

I thought America is supposed to be a "government of the People, by the People and for the People".

But the financial companies have been allowed to use taxpayer bailout funds to lobby Congress.

And the government"s decisions about who to bail out and who not to fund are based on donations, lobbying and politics.

Giving trillions to the banks won"t help the economy or the American people.

Indeed, the only thing it is doing is subsidizing companies run by horrible business men, allowing the bankers to receive fat bonuses, to redecorate their offices, and to buy gold toilets and prostitutes.

As Dennis Kucinich said in October:

We ought to be really concerned about a bank takeover of the country because we borrowed money from the banks to give to the banks, the banks give us toxic assets or hoard the money, or they use it to buy other banks. I don"t think the Founders envisioned government of the banks, for the banks and by the banks.

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