Sunday, November 22, 2009

Praise for Obama for Trying Gitmo Detainee in American Civilian Court

I don"t know anything about Tanzanian Ahmed Ghailani, the accused terrorist who Obama will try in a civilian court in New York.

I have no idea whether he is a real terrorist or not.

I have no idea whether the trial will be a show trial by a judge whose allegiance is to the national security apparatus, or a real trial by a judge who will uphold the rule of law.

And as my readers know, I have been highly critical of Obama for continuing the torture cover up (and continuing torture) at Guantanamo, of leaving Gitmo open, and of denying justice to many prisoners.

But I fully applaud this move. Whatever happens, at least it has the appearance of acting in accordance with the Constitution and the rule of law.

As such, it is a move in the right direction.

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