Saturday, December 19, 2009

�Holding him up in honor stimulates the worst impulses of human nature and makes a mockery of our nation"s values,"

Sky Valley Chronicle Washington State
(REGIONAL) -- The NAACP has now added its voice to the protest against Mount Vernon Mayor Bud Norris" controversial decision to present FOX news TV and radio talk show commentator Glenn Beck with a key to the city Saturday September 26 in a $25 dollar a ticket event called "Glenn Beck Day" in Mount Vernon.
The Snohomish County Chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People announced its protest Friday with president Janice R. Greene, saying �Holding him up in honor stimulates the worst impulses of human nature and makes a mockery of our nation"s values," highlighting Beck"s inflammatory July 28th remark that he believed President Obama to be a "racist."
The statement cost Beck over three-dozen national advertisers who ordered their commercials not run within his show.
Beck is also known for such on- air musings as pondering about the killing of filmmaker Michael Moore (who�s new movie is �Capitalism: A Love Story�) and poisoning House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as well as perpetuating the long discredited "death panel" false claim about proposed health-care reform. LinkHere

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