Friday, December 18, 2009

CNBC: Warren Buffett"s Editor: Some "Terrifically Worried" Shareholders Coming to Meeting

Published: Friday, 1 May 2009 | 12:50 PM ET

By: Alex Crippen
Executive Producer

Berkshire Hathaway 2009 Shareholder Meeting
Warren Buffett"s "editor" tells CNBC some of the shareholders coming to Berkshire Hathaway"s annual meeting tomorrow remain "terrifically worried" about the economy and their Berkshire shares.

Fortune Magazine"s Senior Editor-at-Large Carol Loomis has helped Buffett edit the Berkshire Hathaway annual report and letter to shareholders for many years.

She is also one of three journalists (the other two are CNBC"s Becky Quick and Andrew Ross Sorkin of the New York Times) who will be selecting e-mailed questions for Buffett and Charlie Munger at tomorrow"s marathon Q-and-A session before shareholders.

This morning, she appeared live from Omaha with CNBC"s Becky Quick on Squawk Box.

BECKY: Thirty-five thousand people are expected to come to the shareholders meeting this year. That"s about a ten percent increase from what they"ve seen in previous years. Does it surprise you or is this a time people are looking for answers?

LOOMIS: No, I really think they"re looking for answers. They"re hoping that Warren and Charlie are going to deliver them, and I"m sure that they will. They get comfort from being in a crowd of other people similarly situated...


BECKY: The economic sense, though. Is that going to change the mood at all here this year, do you think?

LOOMIS: Well, some of the questions I"ve gotten - you and I are asking questions - they"re, you can sense there"s a dark mood in the questions. So I think there are people here who are terrifically worried still, probably worried about what to do with their Berkshire stock. Not that that isn"t always something you"re thinking about, as to what you should do. But, I think this year the worries are heightened.

Current Berkshire stock prices:

Berkshire Portfolio

Class A: [US;BRK.A 92950.0 -1050.00 (-1.12%) ]

Class B: [US;BRK.B 3035.0 -30.00 (-0.98%) ]

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