Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Where Is the Right Wing"s Christian Forgiveness When It Comes to Ted Kennedy?

Apparently, many on the political right are without sin, because they wasted no time after Senator Ted Kennedy"s death to start casting as many stones as possible.
Right wingers so often focus on religion or morals as the basis for their politics. That"s part of what drives the anti-Roe v. Wade movement, though, interestingly, not the right"s support for the death penalty. As I watched the coverage of Ted Kennedy"s death, and listened to and read accounts that dripped with unbridled contempt, I had to wonder where the right"s so-called Christian values were for an American who accomplished much and whose family was grieving. And, more specifically, how could those on the right who have sinned just as much as they accuse Ted Kennedy of, have the gall to make things harder for those who are suffering the loss of the patriarch of their family?
Granted, Ted Kennedy did a lot of things in his life that wouldn"t earn him any medals. But why is it that those who hate the left find it acceptable to trash a political icon in the days after his death? Whether you agreed with his politics or not, can"t most of us admit that the late Senator Kennedy did accomplish good things for the country? If Orrin Hatch can acknowledge that, then it ought to be easy for others, as well.
I always thought that one of the main components of religion was forgiveness. Is that a lesson that Kennedy"s right-wing critics missed out on? In the hours after Kennedy"s death, I was shocked to see that Twitter was a-tweet with critiques of Kennedy"s personal life, including messages that bashed him for missing Senate votes in the last year of his life while he was fighting brain cancer. LinkHere

Ohhhhhhh to be so pure and innocent
Porn in the USA: Conservatives are biggest consumers
Eight of the top 10 pornography consuming states gave their electoral votes to John McCain in last year"s presidential election � Florida and Hawaii were the exceptions. While six out of the lowest 10 favoured Barack Obama. LinkHere

The list goes on and on.

Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"
�God,� said Einstein, �is subtle but not malicious.�
The God who beckons

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